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On Thu, Dec 08, 2016 at 08:14:08AM -0500, Greg Wooledge wrote:


> > # apt-get install -t testing weechat



Somewhat disagree: not really bad, but definitely dangerous.
Whoever does this should look out for some breakage and
"interesting times" (FWIW I'm running a Frankendebian right
now, with a mix of stable and *unstable*. It's usable, but
I gotta watch out for several things. Among other, aptitude
totally freaks out when told to install anything :)

> > I guess one should not worry about new packages?
> You should ABSOLUTELY worry about the UPGRADED pacakges!  Especially
> when one of them is libc6.  That will affect basically EVERY program
> on your entire system.

Yeah, libc is definitely a tough one (FWIW again, my libc6 does
come from unstable: but I must admit I had to *gulp* before taking
that plunge. It turned out much easier than I expected, but that
will totally depend on the set of packages installed)

> You should NOT do this!

My point of view: you should totally do this, but only if you
*know* what you're getting into and if you know you'll enjoy
the ride. Some experience on how Debian works, some raw will
to tinker and being prepared to jump into the lifeboat (you
got good backups, have you?) are essential.

> Mixing testing and stable sources produces what we call a frankendebian.
> It is an unsupportable mess.  It is not a question of whether it will
> break, but rather HOW SOON it will break.

That's how my work environment has looked for the last ~10 years.
Rock solid. But you better be prepared for some tinkering, and
have your lifeboats ready (something you've got to have anyway,
because... your hardware might as well explode under you).

Apart from that I agree 100% with Greg. And if you don't want to
delve in your distro's innards: keep to stable (or at most, to
late testing, but that's already dipping your toe in the water,
that's how it started out with me and see where I am now ;-)

> This is why we have jessie-backports.

Agreed. An awesome service.

- -- tomás
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