On Monday, 12/12/16 11:49:01 PM kamaraju kusumanchi wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 12:50 PM, Mark Neidorff <m...@neidorff.com> wrote:
> > Sorry to seem stubborn, but I don't consider giving a user account full
> > administrative access acceptable, even if there is only one user on the
> > system. My reasoning is that by default if the user goes to a "naughty"
> > web
> > page and somehow downloads destructive software only the user's files are
> > at risk. But, with full administrative access, the entire system (plus
> > any attached networks) are at risk.
> I do not think you are being stubborn. You do not have to give the
> normal user ALL permissions. But you have to give him some permissions
> to be able to install/update/remove packages. For example, I
> configured my /etc/sudoers file such that my normal user account can
> run apt-get and install packages. Giving ALL permissions just makes
> things simpler but /etc/sudoers can be fine tuned to give just as much
> as control as needed.
> > Question: Is not allowing an administrative (software update)task to run
> > when the root password is given a bug or is it by design? If by design,
> > why?
> I do not understand the question. I am not here to defend any
> particular design choice. I can help you with how it can be done but
> not why it should be done one way or another. That is beyond my
> expertise.
> > I see two alternatives to your suggestion, neither of which is convenient.
> > 
> > 1. When I get a notification, log off and then log in as root. Then when
> > the updates are downloaded and applied, log back in as the user.
> No. There is no need to logoff. For example, whenever I want to
> install a package, I simply open a konsole and run
> sudo apt-get update
> sudo apt-get install PKGNAME
> as a normal user. When it asks for password, I supply the password of
> my user account (not the password of the root account).
> > 2. When I get a notification, use "su" to change to the root user and then
> > do the updates.
> That is one way. I find sudo a bit more easier than su. Since with
> sudo, you do not even have to know the root password (once it is
> setup).
> > But, I have been using linux (and KDE) for a long time and up until now,
> > when an update arrives I select to apply the update, give the root
> > password, and the update is installed. Now, when I get an update
> > notification and supply the root password to apply the update, the update
> > is not applied. (I am returned to the password prompt)
> hmm... no idea on this part. What program does KDE run when you try to
> update packages? May be run it from command line and see if it gives
> an error?
> hth
> raju

Good news!  I solved the problem.  This solution came from the openSUSE 
forums... (just giving credit where credit is due)

As root, in the folder /etc/cron.* (where * is either daily, hourly, etc. 
depending on how often you want the check to take place):

1. Create a file called autoupdate using your favorite editor (that sounds like 
a good name).

2. File contents:
#! /bin/bash

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade -y
apt-get autoclean

3. Save the file, and then make it executable:
#chmod 755 autoupdate

Note the "apt-get autoclean" is optional.



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