On 12/17/2016 05:05 AM, Felix Miata wrote:
>> Oh no! something has gone wrong.
>> A problem has occurred and the system can't recover. All extensions have
>> been disabled as a precaution.
> This is typical of trying to use GDM/Gnome on old hardware.
> http://lmgtfy.com/?q=%22Oh+no!+something+has+gone+wrong.%22+%22A+problem+has+occurred+and+the+system+can%27t+recover.%22
> It's probably time to either switch to a newer PC, or try a less
> demanding DE, or even another distro, if the Debian installer is making
> it too hard for you to avoid Gnome...

Thanks for your help, Felix.

I put the adapter cards back in, and successfully re-installed with Xfce instead of Gnome. Seems to work pretty well so far. There is some mouse sluggishness with Firefox (scroll wheel and marking selections) but other apps seem to not have this problem. Sound card output is excellent.

 - Dan

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