Joe, Michael,

Thank you guys, good explanation and tutorial.

I didn't know about "holding" feature so I will definitely implement that.
That was good help, thank you again.

Man without clue

On 12/24/2016 09:06 PM, Michael Lange wrote:
> On Sat, 24 Dec 2016 11:47:21 +0900
> Man_Without_Clue <> wrote:
>> Why this happens and how to avoid this?
> As an appendix to Joe's extensive reply:
> Once you found the package(s) that would cause e.g. Skype to be removed,
> you can put these packages on "hold" (or "lock" in synaptic) so these
> packages won't be upgraded on future system upgrades until the hold is
> removed, allowing you to do full-/dist-upgrades without removing other
> packages that you want to keep.
> Unfortunately however, each one of synaptic, apt-get and aptitude have
> their own "hold" system, which won't be respected by the other programs,
> so to be on the safe side you might have to "hold" a package more than
> just once.
> To put a package on "hold" for apt-get, just do  (as root):
>       apt-mark hold <packagename>
> The aptitude command is similar:
>       aptitude hold <packagename>
> In synaptic, select the package and pick from the menu
>       Package -> Lock Version
> Regards
> Michael
> .-.. .. ...- .   .-.. --- -. --.   .- -. -..   .--. .-. --- ... .--. . .-.
> No one may kill a man.  Not for any purpose.  It cannot be condoned.
>               -- Kirk, "Spock's Brain", stardate 5431.6

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