Would you like to share some Debian tips that made a significant
impact to your productivity in 2016? Things that you wish you had
known earlier.

Here are my top two.

1) Zim
I found it useful for organizing thoughts, making todo lists, creating
documentation especially when working on multiple projects with many
task holders.

The software can be installed by apt-get install zim.

2) Searching command line history using glob patterns
Basically, when reverse searching the command history using ctrl-r,
you can use glob expressions in the search by adding the following
lines to zshrc.

# Use glob patterns when using ctrl-r
#   ctrl-r wordA*wordB
# will match commands where wordA is followed by wordB with zero or more number
# of characters in between. This functionality is not available in old zsh
# versions (ex:- 4.2.6) so check for its availability.
zle -al | grep -q history-incremental-pattern-search-backward
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
  bindkey "\C-r" history-incremental-pattern-search-backward

Once done, ctrl-r sudo*apt*update will bring up "sudo apt-get install
update" if such a command already exists in the history.

AFAIK only zsh has this functionality.

Kamaraju S Kusumanchi | http://raju.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Blog

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