
On Tue, 10 Jan 2017 12:50:44 -0500
Harry Putnam <rea...@newsguy.com> wrote:

> I finally got around to trying the auto.net file you mentioned in your
> first reply in this thread.
> I still cannot read it and understand what it does but I may have some
> good news to report.

The idea is that auto.net takes top-level directory (/prj in your case)
as a place to mount. Then it takes second-level directory as server
name and invokes 'showmount -e' on that server. Third-level (and lower)
directory should be a share name on that server.


> Still unable to mount the shares I'm after `d0' and `dv' but, those
> fail still with auto.master like:
>    /prj     /etc/auto.net   --timeout=90

That part of configuration is correct.

> ls /prj/d0 or ls /prj/dv both fail.  However another share on that
> same setup on the solaris host `gv' and 2x comes up as expected.

You lost me here. If 'd0' and 'dv' are share names, you should use
auto.net like this:

cd /prj/<server_name>/d0
cd /prj/<server_name>/dv

If d0 and dv are host names - poke them with 'showmount -e' first, and
use them like this:

cd /prj/d0/<share_name>
cd /prj/dv/<share_name>

> So ls /prj/gv  after a pause shows /prj/gv/merb/<many file here>

Therefore 'gv' is a host name and 'merb' is a share on that host.
Assuming you're using stock auto.net.
Debug autofs output confirms this:

update_offset_entry: parse(sun): updated multi-mount offset /merb ->
-fstype=nfs4,soft,intr,nodev,nosuid,async gv:/merb


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