On Mon, Jan 16, 2017 at 12:45:51PM +0100, Hans wrote:
> It makes a grub.cfg on PHYSICAL harddrive ONE and
> a second one on PHYSICAL harddrive TWO and both are identical.
> But as both shall be different, according to the drive I want start from.
> If you do not understand me yet, take this discussion as closed.

No, mate, we UNDERSTOOD you from the beginning, the problem is that 
_what you are describing is impossible_.

So there is something you are not telling us, or something is going on 
on your machine that you either did not think relevant or did not know.

For example, could your setup when running Kali and when running Debian 
in FACT, contrary to what you think is going on, be sharing a /boot 
mount? That would be unusual, it would be strange, but it WOULD WORK, 
assuming both kernels were there -- and it is one way to explain the 
behaviour you are seeing.

Type "df" command in Kali and in Debian and post the output here, that 
will eliminate that question. Also the content of /etc/fstab


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