Am 23. Jan, 2017 schwätzte S. P. Molnar so:

moin moin Stephen,

check for PS1 in ~/.bashrc, ~/.bash_profile and ~/.profile.

grep PS1 ~/.bashrc ~/.bash_profile ~/.profile

If you don't find it that way, check to see if any of those include
another rc file.

You can set PS1 at the bottom of ~/.bashrc, but you probably want to find
out why it's getting messed up.



I'm embarrassed to admit it. but I am completely confused.

Somehow, I don't know how I managed to reset my bash user prompt. Rather than the default user prompt '\u@h >', it has morphed to (p4env).

I have found plenty of Google results about correcting thei promled, and, indeed export PS1='\u@\h > ' restores the prompt - that is, until I close that terminal. The next time I open a terminal the prompt is back to (p4env).

For my sanity, I can]t seem to figure out where and how to make the change permanent.

As I said, I'm very embarrassed about this and really need help.

Thanks in advance,

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