On 2017-01-23 14:12 -0400, francis picabia wrote:

> I'm running Debian 8.6, and looking at old logs.  I'd like to confirm when
> the system was rebooted to invoke the newer kernel which fixed
> the Dirty COW bug.  With systemd, I'm not seeing the old signs
> like the announcement of the kernel version.

Something like this should do the trick:

$ zgrep "\[    0.000000] Linux version" /var/log/kern.log*

Provided that the files actually go back that far, in the default
logrotate configuration only the last four weeks of kernel logs are

> This should be a simple question but I'm not seeing the usual
> stuff like dmesg file activity in /var/log

There is no /var/log/dmesg file with systemd because it is redundant,
all that info is in the journal (and in the other log files like
/var/log/kern.log if you have a syslog daemon installed).


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