I'm running stretch/AMD64 and I'm having extreme problems accessing my Samsung S5 phone from my Plasma5 desktop.

When I plug the phone in, I get the notification with 2 suggested actions. They both read "Open with File Manager" but the first one opens Dolphin with "camera:..." while the second opens Dolphin with "mtp:..." in the location bar. When I actually try to navigate to the folder with my photos, I get a notification on the phone telling me a device is attempting mtp access... When I click "Allow", I get another notification pop-up on my desktop with the same two options...

When I actually try to access the photos, I frequently get "process died" or "I/O error" messages, although sometimes I can actually see a photo (not just the file names) - persistence pays off. Moreover the phone will lock when connected, even if a file transfer is underway. This kills the transfer.

To make matters worse, I have photos and videos that I have taken which show up in the Gallery on the phone and which I can view on the phone and see when I remove the SD card and read it directly but which don't show up in Dolphin.

Clearly this is not the way the process is supposed to work. I can understand the phone requesting a verification for the connection, but everything on the desktop side seems wrong:
- the two actions should be distinguishable by their description,
- the process shouldn't die and if it does, it should relaunch,
- the connection should block the phone from locking if locking will stop file transfers, - there should be a record of the error in a log somewhere. As it is, all I can find is a lot of systemd journal entries like "Jan 24 14:01:33 transponder kernel: usb 4-5: usbfs: process 20598 (mtp.so) did not claim interface 0 before use" which seem to occur before the device is actually recognized.
- all the photos should show up.

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