On 02/03/2017 02:53 PM, John Culleton wrote:
I have my existing OS on /sda3. I want to leave it untouched. > I also have an 
OS on /sda4 that I am willing to overwrite.
The easiest path for me is to fire up Knoppix 7.6 and write
it to hard disk. But I need assurance that I won't disturb
/sda3 in any way.

I think you have omitted relevant information.
What is on /sda1 and /sda2?
What OS is on on /sda3? on /sda4?
What is your bootloader?

Technically correct answers can be given without this information. However, suitability to *YOUR* goals/preferences ???

My current used laptop resembles your setup. /sda1 and /sda2 are the Windows installation installed by the seller. They are being left untouched until the end of my warranty. /sda3 is an extended partition and /sda6 is swap.

/sda5 has Debian Jessie with Mate desktop. This is my primary OS which I take pains not to mess-up - {comparable to your /sda3}.
/sda7 has Jessie with Xfce that someone had suggested I try.
/sda8,/sda9,/sda10 are several identical installs of Jessie being used to chase down a possible bug.
The above occupies only ~1/2 of available space.

To avoid disturbing in *ANY* way the Windows install or my primary Debian install I do the following:
1. make the additional installs of Debian using "expert mode"
   to give me maximum control.
2. at the partitioning menu I chose manual to:
   a. chose destination partition of current install.
   b. flag the current swap partition as "Do Not Use"
      [The Jessie installer automatically reformats
       any existing swap partition, changing its UUID
       which can cause problems with other installs]. It suits
       me to not use any swap for my secondary installs. The
       installer will warn, but accept]
3. chose to install neither GRUB not LILO. That allows me to
   keep my existing GRUB menu. On reboot I run update-grub
   from my primary Debian install to add the latest install at
   the bottom of the menu.

I have never had any contact with Knoppix so do not know if a similar procedure could be followed. In any case remember to do a backup first.


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