On Sun, Feb 05, 2017 at 11:54:35AM -0500, rhkra...@gmail.com wrote:
> I am the OP, I want to thank everyone for their comments.
> I think I've decided to buy an inexpensive router instead of a switch, and, 
> in 
> fact, I think I'll go with a Ubiquiti ER-X 256MB Storage 5 Gigabit RJ45 
> ports.  
> My reasoning includes considering these points:
>    * There is at least a question about a GPL issue / violation.  IIUC, this 
> has to do with a program named uboot, for which, at least at one time, 
> Ubiquiti may not have provided the modified source code.  The references that 
> I 
> could find online dated from 2012 through about 2015 (668 days from yesterday 
> ;-), and it seems that Ubiquiti, at least, seems to think they are now in 
> compliance.  (see https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9331512)

uboot is similar to grub or lilo.

If you read carefully, you'll discover that LibertyBSD's
complaints have not been addressed: Ubiquiti will ship you
some source code, but not what's needed to build a booting
system of your own.

>    * The device amounts to a small Linux (in fact, Debian) based box, with, 

It's based on Debian 6, and modified in ways which prevent you
from upgrading further - at least the kernel and boot system.


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