David Christensen <dpchr...@holgerdanske.com> writes:

> On 02/04/17 07:18, Ric Moore wrote:
>> I'm looking at a Seagate 750 gig drive that went south on me with a pile
>> of errors. Good luck getting Seagate to give a good gosh darn. In the
>> past I have had mixed results replacing the drive motherboard. I saved
>> two out of three. I doubt I will buy anything Seagate makes in the
>> future.
> Everything electrical and mechanical fails.  It's just a question of
> when, followed by whether or not you're prepared.
> I've found (and heard) that the worst thing I can do to a HDD is put
> it on the shelf and let it rot.  I've had more than a few that failed
> shortly after being put into a computer.

I hadn't heard this...  I've got a drive I've been keeping as a cold
spare.  Am I better off (in the sense of "is it more likely to actually
be useable when I need it") installing it and adding it to one of my
RAID1 arrays?  Can you point me to an article about it?

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