On Sun 05 Feb 2017 at 00:39:00 +0000, Roba wrote:

> Thank you very much Gene,
> You are the first person to ever mention that "the line was removed" for
> security paranoia, not that I mistakenly removed it by mistake over the
> past few months of it running under jessie and not running under
> stretch.  This is what I wanted to find out, why did this happen.
> Now it DOES make sense.
> I arrest my case!

This is a case of the perfect memory versus the contents of cups'
postinst script. The "perfect memory" is accessible to only one
person; the postinst script is accessible to everyone. All the
somebodies (that could be the OP if he feels inclined to other than
speculation and ad hominem) could examine it and point out where it
replaces 'Listen localhost:631' with something else.

Not that it is important in the grand scheme of things, but having
a technical detail or two wouldn't break the bank.


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