
Am 09.02.17 um 01:20 schrieb commentsab...@riseup.net:
> Hello,
> I am a Debian 8.7 user.
> # SSH
> I would like to know if there is an efficient way to manage SSH keys?
> I have multiple SSH keys (rsa, ed25519) that I use all day long to
> either connect to servers via ssh or to work with on remote servers.
> I would like to know if there it is possible to unlock my keys (being
> prompted once for their passwords) when the my session starts and keep
> them unlocked until the session is closed.
> I have found information about ssh-agent and ssh-add but it doesn't
> provide the behavior that I would like to reach in the sense that I have
> to manually...
>> eval `ssh-agent -s`
>> ssh-add /path/to/my-key1
>> ssh-add /path/to/my-key2
>> ssh-add /path/to/my-key3
>> ssh-add /path/to/my-key4
> ... every time I open/close my session (while I would like to just have
> to provide my passwords). Furthermore, it seems that my ed25519 keys do
> not remain cached for more than a couple of minutes (while the rsa4096
> ones remain without problem).

I'm using "keychain" on my system and it works as desired.
You can add it to your .bashrc or create a short script to invoke with
all your keys.


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