Op Fri, 10 Feb 2017 18:51:20 +0100 schreef Curt <cu...@free.fr>:

On 2017-02-10, Darac Marjal <mailingl...@darac.org.uk> wrote:
On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 10:55:24AM -0600, Nicholas Geovanis wrote:
Does Debian support the "software collections" machinery from RedHat? Or will it support them in the near future? Googling indicates that the answer is "no"
but I can't find a flat-out statement so far. Thanks...Nick G

I suspect that these are called "tasks" in debian. See the "tasksel"
program for more details.

That's what I thought until I looked it up.

With Software Collections, you can build and concurrently install multiple versions of the same software components on your system. Software Collections have no impact on the system versions of the packages installed by any of the
 conventional RPM package management utilities.

This sounds like flatpak

and is available in Debian

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