On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 09:36:16PM -0500, Bob Weber wrote:
> I use a program called ossec.  It watches logs of all my linux boxes so I get
> email messages about disk problems.  I also do periodic self tests on all my
> drives controlled by smartd from the  smartmontools package.  I also use a
> package called logwatch which summarizes my logs.   The messages from mdadm 
> and
> smartd are seen by ossec.  When I mess with an array to make it larger and 
> add a
> disk for backup I get the messages in my mailbox about a degraded array.  As 
> I'm
> reading them I am startled until I remember ...Oh I did that!  I have a daily
> cron job that emails the output of "smartctl -a /dev/sdx" for each drive on 
> each
> machine so I can keep a history of the parameters for each drive.

$ apt-file search ossec
<irrelevant freetuxtv result elided>
sagan-rules: /etc/sagan-rules/ossec.rules

Seems like the only reference to ossec in Jessie is this rules file in 
the Sagan package. Looking at the description for sagan-rules, it seems 
to be along the right lines. But the sagan package is not in Jessie it 
seems. It's in wheezy and in stretch/sid, but not in jessie. Any idea 
what's up with that?

And was ossec packaged, or did you build it from source?



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