Lisi Reisz:
> On Friday 17 February 2017 09:43:16 Stephen Powell wrote:
>> On Fri, Feb 17, 2017, at 04:30, Andre Müller wrote:
>>> I'm sick of it and many
>>> people in whole
>>> Europe also.
>> And as for the United States, do we not have the best Congress money can
>> buy?
> No.  But you have very good golf clubs.
> Lisi

Here in Uruguay only foreigners would want to overthrow government.  We
like our government very much, we are very happy with it.  We don't mind
sending almost all of our products to the US and EU, for exchange of
some stupid plastic/electric gadgets and little bit of fuel, it is OK.
We get by fine.  There is good government after all, maybe, or is there?
 Ohh.. well ... what are Golf clubs?  VW Golf owners' clubs?  We have VW
beetles here and the president likes the beatles and the ex-presdent
drove around in one.

No Trump .... keep him North of Mexico.
Viva Uruguay

PS  Hijacking thread - what a thread - kali is based on Debian but it is
focused on security, which anonymity is part of the issue, but their
webpages are unreachable unless you have -scripts- enabled on your
browser.  What's up wit dat?  They want to penetrate you because you
have an interest on their penetrating system?  Tell your mayor to use
it, here in Uruguay hommie don't play dat!  And what's up with all their
linux4.9 variants in their repository?  ;)  Berkeley Xercley ... Trumpland!

 "The most violent element in society is ignorance" rEG

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