On 03/25/2017 05:29 PM, Daniel Bareiro wrote:
Hi, Joe.


Checking the purchase invoices, I bought the notebook on September 19,
2013, and then changed the battery on November 2, 2015. So less than two
years ago I have this battery.

The notebook I use it practically every day and I leave it sleeping from
one day to the next so I do not have to open every application every
time. I'm not sure if that impacts so much on the battery life.

If it was a long term degradation, possibly. With some battery technology/technologies(?) there is a "memory" effect. If there is a repeated "shallow discharge"/recharge cycle ( sleep overnight followed by running during day with charger plugged in) the effective battery capacity will decrease. IIRC that applies to only one technology but can't remember which.

But in any case, in all this time, whenever the battery was charged, the
charge level was up to 100%. So just since yesterday I suddenly saw that
the load stayed at 38% and I started to experience this issue.

That makes me think of a component failure. Likely the battery, but conceivably something in the laptop.

Kind regards,

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