Le sextidi 6 germinal, an CCXXV, Mark Fletcher a écrit :
> That directory in /media/mark was owned by... mark this time! BUT, Files 
> has the New Folder command greyed out, indicating it does NOT think it 
> can write to this device. And I cannot paste anything into the device's 
> pane in Files. BUT AGAIN, at the command line, as mark, I went into 
> /media/mark/138b9d59-b0cd-49cc-a738-8fecea5f0035 and typed touch 
> test.txt and lo and behold the file was created. So now I have a 
> confused Files / Nautilus on top of everything else...

Well, I am sorry to say that the extents of the advice I can give on
handling troubles with Gnome or other desktop environments is "apt-get
purge gnome nautilus; apt-get install fvwm zsh". I can still suggest two
basic generic things to test: first, look carefully at the differences,
in ownership, permissions, etc., of the mounted filesystems. Second, try
with a clean account to see if the keys still show different behaviours
(and if that fails, try with a brand new install).

Hope this helps.


  Nicolas George

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