On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 07:13:26PM +0000, Brian wrote:
> Apropos nothing. Columbus knew exactly where he was going and why. He
> just didn't get there. The exact route he took didn't exist (or maybe
> philosohically it did but hadn't been travelled). But it was planned
> using the Google documentation of the time. Perhaps prospective
> Debian users could plan their journey into the unknown in the same way.
> Point taken, though. Web page design requires the author to put herself
> (or try to) in the position of a typical user.
> A good place to mention the firmware netinst ISO would be the Debian
> front page instead of 4 or more layers down. Depends on how much of a
> problem it is seen to be. Don't hold your breath waiting for a change;
> there are other factors.

Yeah, for some reason I too had problems navigating to the netinst image and
It was just the plain vanila image without the firmware.

I ended up going to the wrong page about 3 times from different attempts, but
as Steve has already mentioned, there is a bug open about this.

So I agree, Mr Steve Wright is ... correct.

Also downloading the installation manual to find out how to navigate to the
download page sounds like something from Monty Python.

The media's the most powerful entity on earth. 
They have the power to make the innocent guilty 
and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power.
 -- Malcolm X

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