
Thank you for you great response to my inquiry.  Very much appreciated.

My comments in-line below:

On Thu, 20 Apr 2017 14:14:40 -0500, David Wright <deb...@lionunicorn.co.uk>

>On Thu 20 Apr 2017 at 07:11:53 (-0700), Larry Dighera wrote:
>> What I have discovered thus far, is that Debian wants to launch X11 by
>> default, instead of the command line UI.  That appears to result in a black
>> screen with a frozen system.  
>> At this point, I have no idea of the correct way to boot to the command line
>> interface, so I temporarily renamed lightdm, and now it boots to the command
>> line interface apparently after X11 fails to launch.  So, it appears that it
>> is X11 that has possible issues with the hardware or is misconfigured.
>> Perhaps there is something in X11's /var/log file that will provide a clue
>> about why it was failing to successfully launch.
>> So, it appears that grub is correctly configured after all.  
>> What is the correct way to configure the system to boot to the command line
>> UI instead of X11?  Do I need to edit things, or add files to, /etc/rc.d
>> someplace?  Or is there a higher-level way to tell systemd that I prefer to
>> manually launch X11?  
>For jessie/systemd,
># systemctl set-default multi-user.target
>and, to revert,
># systemctl set-default graphical.target

That worked perfectly.  Thank you very much.

>Removing the display manager was, I think, the old way.
>Not installing one, OTOH, is still the normal way if
>you don't want a DE (like me).
>> I'm aware that running the startx script is a reasonable way to launch X11
>> when I want it, but I'll have to diagnose its issue(s) first.  My past
>> familiarity with AT&T Unix from the early '80s through the '90s was pre-X11,
>> so I'm going to have to learn how to administrate X11 now I suppose.  
>> I sincerely appreciate your kind efforts in guiding me.  I gives me the
>> motivation to continue spending the time to get Jessie up on the new Udoo
>> X86 platform.
>There are several recent threads in this list about getting the
>right video drivers and X servers installed. Most of it goes
>over my head because my hardware is so old.

I'll have to search the list archives.  Thank you for the pointer.

I'd like to have more lines/rows and columns on the console tty.  I've read
that 'vidcontrol' may do what I want, unfortunately 'apt-cache show
vidcontrol' reports that it is virtual (unavailable).  

I am grateful for any clues you may be able to provide.

Best regards,

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