I would suspect you need a specialist application to sort this, thing is,
when you plug in a disk drive, the system uses information from the first
sector to identify the drive and its size. You get a similar problem when
you zero out an entire hard disk, and there the solution is to manually
enter into the bios the hard drive.

What I suspect has happened in your case, is a wrap around when writing to
drive has overwritten the first sector.


On Sun, May 28, 2017 at 10:54 AM, Pascal Hambourg <pas...@plouf.fr.eu.org>

> Le 26/05/2017 à 23:06, Martin McCormick a écrit :
>>         I have a 128 GB thumb drive which has been sitting in a
>> drawer for 2 or 3 years because it is not completely dead but had
>> a traumatic event.
> (...)
> The drive is dead. The controller is still responding but the storage part
> is gone. Don't waste any more time with it.


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