On 31/05/17 10:46, to...@tuxteam.de wrote:
> There is an error in uvl-raspidisp-extra's post-remove script. You
> have several options:
>  - Yell (OK, be gentle and polite: after all they've worked for you
>    for free :) at the packagers. Perhaps they have a mailing list?
>  - try "apt-get remove --force-yes --purge uv4l-raspidisp-extras"
>    This is somewhat risky, since you don't know what exactly broke
>    in the postrm script and whether it has left sharp and/or flammable
>    debris behind it.
>  - try to debug the post-remove script. The script itself is located
>    in /var/lib/dpkg/info/uv4l-raspidisp-extras.postrm (I'm assuming
>    a Debian-ish layout). If you find anything of relevance, you should
>    contact the packagers. It seems that the post-remove script is
>    stumbling upon an unexpected condition.
>    Those scripts are supposed to be idempotent, i.e. calling them
>    several times in a row should have the same effect than calling
>    them just once. But since the script is freaking out, tread
>    carefully...
> Good luck
> -- tomás
Thanks for your reply, Tomas. You are correct, it's not a debian
package; it comes from here: https://www.linux-projects.org/.

I tried (2), with no useful effect. I've now done (1), and await a
result.  I don't think I'm up to (3), which is why I'm asking here.

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