On 06/01/2017 12:28 PM, Brian wrote:
On Thu 01 Jun 2017 at 11:01:05 -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:

On 06/01/2017 09:30 AM, Don Armstrong wrote:
On Thu, 01 Jun 2017, Richard Owlett wrote:
I can't find a way to retrieve project bugs in order of date originally
 reportbug-ng can sort by "last activity" but not "date opened".

*INCORRECT* I was mislead by combination of visual problems and available
It will sort on bug number. I had only spotted that I could sort on last

 https://www.debian.org/Bugs/ can report by "classification"
    but not "date opened".

The bug numbers increase monotonically, so larger numbers are
guaranteed to have been filed after smaller numbers. By default
the BTS sorts them numerically which is also the order filed.

insists on categorizing the bugs.

I want a simple list, one line per bug, of open bugs for a project:
[bug #] [date submitted] [bug title]

I think you are going about this in an inefficient way. Your stated aim

 > It has been suggested that I could be useful by testing older bugs to see if
 > they could be closed -- i.e. a fix for another problem or a general upgrade
 > has fixed the problem.

I'd suggest you choose a package or two which you use and have some
reasonable familiarity with. To tackle all open bugs is a gigantic
task. Testing open bugs in a package you triage is enough for anyone.
A list, one line per bug, of open bugs for a package is on the package
page. You know what they say about molehills.

Before replying to a post, please read *ENTIRE* post. Even, or especially, what you snip.

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