Did the same command work with the Debian PC?
Nonetheless have you choose the right driver?
It is possible that your printer can´t emulate the old Matrix Printers and so 
it can´t
Print Text directly the same goes for GDI Printers.
Hope that helps a little pointing out the Problem.

Am 12.06.2017 um 16:50 schrieb Thomas George:
> Two computers, an old pc with Debian Stretch and a new Raspberry Pi with the 
> raspbian
> jessie operating system.
> The old pc prints to a lan printer with no problem. The lpstat -t shows the 
> identical
> set up on the Raspberry Pi but a command lp test.txt results in no printer 
> output
> although the cups log shows the job as completed.
> I have attached a script of the output of lpstat -t on the Raspberry Pi. The 
> output of
> this command on the old pc is absolutely identical except for the dates and 
> times.
> Where should I look to fix this?
> PrinterPrintsNothing.txt
> Script started on Sun 11 Jun 2017 11:36:43 AM EDT
> raspberrypi:/home/pi# lpstat -t
> scheduler is running
> system default destination: Samsung_CLP-320_Series
> device for Samsung_CLP-320_Series: socket://
> Samsung_CLP-320_Series accepting requests since Fri 09 Jun 2017 04:21:01 PM 
> printer Samsung_CLP-320_Series is idle.  enabled since Fri 09 Jun 2017 
> 04:21:01 PM EDT
> raspberrypi:/home/pi# systemcytl enable cups
> Synchronizing state for cups.service with sysvinit using update-rc.d...
> Executing /usr/sbin/update-rc.d cups defaults
> Executing /usr/sbin/update-rc.d cups enable
> raspberrypi:/home/pi# exit
> Script done on Sun 11 Jun 2017 11:37:49 AM EDT
Good luck,

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