On Sun, Jun 18, 2017 at 07:26:01PM -0700, John Conover wrote:
> Hi Mike. You are running stateful NAT, (stateful Network Address
> Translation on your modem/router,) right?  Also, your modem/router
> should not be responding to ping(1)/icmp/ident packets since you do
> not allow remote/external access. Might try:

I'm not up on the term but my firewall drops packets from anyone with
whom I didn't initiate the connection. Is that 'stateful NAT'?

>     https://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?bh0bkyd2

I've been checking my firewall with grc.com ever since I felt the need
for a firewall and grc.com says I'm fully stealthed.

> for starters to find out, (or better, nmap(1) if you have access to an
> external shell account.)

Nope no such account but thanks for sharing your ideas.

>     John
> --
> John Conover, cono...@rahul.net, http://www.johncon.com/

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    - Dr. Seuss

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