On 6/29/17, Intense Red <intns...@golgotha.net> wrote:
On 6/29/17, Beco <r...@beco.cc> wrote:
>> Does anyone else have this problem with KDE4 after Jessie/Stretch
>> upgrade?
>> From time to time, every one or two boots, KDE won't load, it shows a
>> dialog with only an "OK" button and the message:
>> kde can't find file usr/share/kde4/apps/kdm/themes/lines
>> I click ok and get redirected to a console login.
>> If I just boot again, it will likely boot just fine.

>    The changes between KDE in Jessie and KDE in Stretch are substantial,
> including killing off kdm and replacing it with sddm.
>    On multiple machines I've had the upgrade go pretty rocky, not only at
> the dm level but on the desktop itself.

Based on what Intense Red stated along with this being about "themes",
my first thought is... what about configuration files within the
user's /home files (~/)?

My next thought was that I could see myself trying to track down the
file hierarchy changes in the switch from kdm to sddm. Maybe there's a
similar path that could be manipulated to suit personal desires.

I wrote more after that, but I've deleted it. I just plugged that
"usr/share" path into an Internet search while asking "what package

Top of the list returned was using the word "purge" with respect to
kdm. If this was happening to me, I'm getting the warm fuzzies about
that word "purge" in this case. That would be because that sounds like
a *fast* way to attempt to correct this.

I think "purge" is an appropriate word to add to my first thought
about the personal configurations. I just don't know the what and
where with respect to being safe to purge while playing around with
it. Purging would let a user start over and catch up to speed with how
Intense Red's mention of a changeover to sddm now handles things.

Using a word like "purge"? ALWAYS after a *BACKUP* is made, of
course........ Of course. *grin*

Cindy :)
Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* runs with duct tape *

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