On 2017-07-03, tony mollica <t...@threedogs.net> wrote:
> Thanks for the link.  Very interesting.
> The link mentions a light-locker-settings package or configuration.  It 
> would nice to know if that package/application actually produces the 
> light-locker.conf file.

Yeah, apparently there's a config utility call light-locker-settings,
which a creates a config file in your user directory

What you would want would be the '--late-locking' flag, blanking the
screen using xset and locking the session upon the deactivation of the
X11 screen saver instead of upon activation.  But the theoretically
brief period of time between moving the mouse and logging in at the
greeter your printing app would be suspended. This, as I understand it,
is the workaround in the link I gave you.

It doesn't seem worth the bother, frankly.

“Yeah yeah.” --Sidney Morgenbesser's retort to a speaker who said that although
there are many cases in which two negatives make a positive, he knew of no case
in which two positives made a negative.

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