On July 4, 2017 3:55:32 PM PDT, bw <apiso...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>The trouble manifested when I tried using various components of an
>old release of Turbo C.
>>>Everything, 16 and 32 bit, tickles this bug.
>Hey David, don't give up, i got Turbo C+ 3.0 working fine in dosbox by
>setting ver to 6.00 in the dosbox.conf and using a real 
>MS-DOS COMMAND.COM from msdos 6.
>The only reason I ever use dosemu is for serial port, modems or old
>FOSSIL stuff.  dosbox is a lot easier for games and programming.  
>I hope there's not some kernel issue with this, I really like my old
>especially Vern Buerg's  LIST.COM combined with semware Qedit Advanced.
> THE BEST two programs in history.
>Let us know how it goes, try TC on dosbox with the right command.com

I'm using DOSEMU right now because I'm trying to get to the bottom of a bug in 
DOS Frotz.  It crashes on real hardware and DOSEMU, but not DOSBOX.

David Griffith

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