On Fri, Jul 07, 2017 at 09:41:33AM +0200, Sven Joachim wrote:
> On 2017-07-07 02:06 -0500, Dave Sherohman wrote:
> > What was the reason for omitting mailutils (and, specifically, a
> > functional /usr/bin/mail binary) from the default strech install?
> For the record, mailutils have never been part of a default install, but
> bsd-mailx (which also provides /usr/bin/mail) was until Jessie.

I stand corrected.  bsd-mailx does sound more familiar, now that you
mention it, but mailutils was the (first) `mail`-providing package I
found when I started looking with `apt-cache search`.

> > That's kind of a standard thing to be there on *nix systems...
> For better or worse, a default Debian installation seems to not omit
> various programs that have been standard on Unix systems.

Yes, exactly, which is why I was so surprised by /usr/bin/mail's

> There are certainly reasons for that, and I don't think many people
> use /usr/bin/mail to send or read mail these days.
> Packages using /usr/bin/mail to send reports should depend on, or at
> least recommend, bsd-mailx | mailx.

The reports in question weren't from packaged reporting tools, but
rather from random command-line programs being run with a command of the
form `some-program 2&>1 | mail dave -s "some-program results"`.  Is
there a more "modern"/preferred way of doing this sort of thing, which
will work in a default stretch install (and doesn't require adding
headers to the program output to make it suitable for piping directly to

Before someone points out that cron mails output to the user whose
crontab it runs from, these commands aren't being run directly from a
crontab.  Most are in cron.(d/daily/weekly/monthly), which doesn't
appear to support mailing the output to a non-root user or customizing
the subject line into somthing more useful than "Cron <root@host> test
-x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily )".

Dave Sherohman

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