
> Great, many thanks for your quick replies!
> Will try that, fingers crossed!

Don't listen to those ubuntu haters, nothing will happen.
Leave it as is. When debian installs its version of grub
on /dev/sda it will be in control and provide you boot entries
for win7, ubuntu, and Debian. If you log back to Ubuntu
and $sudo grub-install /dev/sda
$sudo update-grub it will gain back control and create
the same boot entries for all three but ubuntu will be
first choice. At least this way you will not have to look
at the ugly green debian snail screen when you wake
up in the morning! :)
As long as you are not including an Arch/Manjaro
installation you will be fine with either grub. I have had
up to seven of them (it only takes a few kb of space).
Delete the ubuntu partition and you will be OK!
Tell this to the ausie guy that installed stretch from scratch and
lost all networking! 3-4 days ago. At least this man can download
all the gpg stuff and the deb files that were needed from ubuntu
and pass them to the half broken isolated debian installation.
Just keep your fingers crossed and debian might even work
first time around.

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