On 14/07/17 10:15, Darac Marjal wrote:
> On the face of it, this sounds like an inaccessible file system. You can
> open new tabs and re-launch processes because (in the case of launching
> a new tab) the information is still in memory or (in the case of
> launching a new process using a previously-run program, such as bash),
> the file is available from the disk cache. You can't access new programs
> because that would involve pulling information from the disk, which you
> can't get to.

Thanks for the explanation. That sounds very reasonable. Unfortunately,
I did not find any relevant warnings/errors in the kernel logs.

What should be my next steps? I don't even know which system component I
would file a bug on: The kernel? Or systemd? Or some application that
hogs the file system?


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