> From: dan.h...@gmail.com
> To: Sven Hartge <s...@svenhartge.de>
> debian-user@lists.debian.org <debian-user@lists.debian.org>
> Thanks Sven, and also Erwan, Curt, rpr, and Felix,
> On Sun, Jul 30, 2017 at 11:54 AM, Sven Hartge <s...@svenhartge.de> wrote:
>> Dan Hitt <dan.h...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I would like to run a second copy of firefox in debian, that is
>>> completely unconnected to the first.
>>> That is, the second copy should not share history, cookies, any kind
>>> of storage, passwords, configuration, or anything else with the first.
>>> It should be possible to send a signal to one (such as kill) without
>>> the other being aware of it.
>>> In essence it should run parallel to firefox like a clone (e.g., Pale
>>> Moon), except using the same binary. (But i"d be willing to copy the
>>> binary if there were an easy way to just change its name to firefox2
>>> or something.)
>> Make a new user on your system, and start firefox as that user via sudo,
>> adding the option "--no-remote" to the firefox command line.
>> You might need to add
>> Defaults env_reset,env_keep+="DISPLAY XAUTHORITY"
>> to your /etc/sudoers to allow any programm running as the other user
>> access to your X session.
> This is a very good solution for my particular use case.
> I had actually used profiles before, but not so satisfactorily. But
> that was some years ago, and may have been due to my general
> ineptness.
> My only modification on the solution is to use "xhost +" instead of
> giving extra privs to the new user. This is all on a very isolated
> lan so hopefully no holes there.
> It has the advantage that i"m certain that information from one
> firefox cannot possibly leak into the other. And one side effect,
> which i think can sometimes be an advantage, is that the downloads
> cannot mix either.
> dan

All good ideas if you trust mozilla to behave itself.
You can also run it in jail with firejail for example. It is like a little 
container just for firefox.
My 2c on top of all those good suggestions.
Also try gksu if you have a 2nd user.

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