On Fri 04 Aug 2017 at 20:19:33 -0400, Jape Person wrote:

> On 08/04/2017 06:39 PM, Brian wrote:
> It's sad, isn't it? There must be enough Linux / Unix folks using brother
> printers to make it worth Brother's trouble to provide a utility for this. I
> guess most environments have either Windows or Mac available, but mine
> didn't until I got the little NUC. $300 so I can do firmware upgrades.
> Making lemonade, I'll probably try to play some old games on the little box.
> There's always a silver lining.

I wonder whether wine would help (with installing the firmware, I mean).
> >So "CreateIPPPrinterQueues No" makes the ptinter invisible?
> As it turned out, I didn't have to edit the config file. Turning off WiFi
> Direct made the driverless printer invisible. Is it possible that Brother is
> using "WiFi Direct" as a synonym for Bonjour?
> I'm unschooled on this stuff, so forgive if the question is dumb!

Bonjour works on cabled and wireless networks, WiFi Direct is wireless
only. I also thought WiFi Direct did not use Bonjour. Mystifying.

You could try activating and de-activating Bonjour on the printer and
looking for the printer in the output of 'avahi-browse -art', You'll
need the avahi-utils package.


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