On 2017-08-19 23:07 -0400 Celejar <cele...@gmail.com> wrote:
>There's Borg, which apparently has good deduplication. I've just
>started using it, but it's a very sophisticated and quite popular piece
>of software, judging by chatter in various internet threads.

This seems like an excellent tool for my use case. It has an interface
very much like control version systems (which I am familiar with), makes
efficient use of space and is no more complex to use than required (I'm
referencing the saying “make things as simple as possible but not more

I have been testing it with toy cases to have at least some experience
with it before using it for my real backups.

Using a Git checkout of the latest release I get this warning: “Using a
pure-python msgpack! This will result in lower performance.”. Yet I have
the Debian package “python3-msgpack“. Do you know what the problem is?


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