Tom Browder <> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 02:36 Sven Hartge <> wrote:
>> Tom Browder <> wrote:
>>> On Sun, Aug 20, 2017 at 12:30 Sven Hartge <> wrote:

>>> So the question I have is how does it all work?  There is no init.d,
>>> but there seems to be some convoluted handling that I haven't
>>> figured out yet.  Surely some expert can write a postfix.service
>>> file that drives postfix commands.

>> Question: Why do you want to manually replace the init-script from
>> postfix in Jessie with a systemd.unit? What do you want to accomplish
>> by doing so (other than creating a possible broken system)?

> I thought I needed to be able to create service files since the init.d
> system is going away.  Postfix seems simple enough that its service
> file would also be simple.  I see I am wrong and I will let sleeping
> dogs lie.

No, you don't need to create service files yourself.

systemd happily runs "legacy" LSB init scripts and will do so for the
foreseable future.

And even if sometime in the far future this feature may get removed, it
is the job of the package maintainers to providde services files for
their packages and not you.


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