Dear debian users and developers,

i hope that is the right place to address my question. If not, tell me where i have to ask it. It's my first mail on such a list.

First a short description of my setup.

We have storage server with 85 discs. These discs are exported with iscsi. For iscsi targets we have to portals which exporting all 85 discs over 4 NICs. Every NIC has his own IP address. On the other side we have the initiator which is logging in over 4 NICs to every target IP address. Therefore we have 16 possibilities to connect to every single device of the target. These ends up in 1360 files under /dev/sd* .

Now i configured multipathd to create 85 dm devices each with 16 paths.

As long as i configured the system everything went well. Login to targets, creating device files in /dev and after restarting/reloading multipathd i got 85 multipath devices under /dev/mapper or in /dev/disc/by-id/

But after a reboot the system will not come back as i imagine. It boots, iscsi is started, but there are no multipath devices found. A single restart of the daemon or a reload of the multipath brings up all devices in seconds.

So my question is where and how do i have to dig into the system to get the point why the system will not load all the devices at boot time?

Our current workaround is a systemd script which starts after iscsi and waits for 120 seconds. After that it will do a reload of the multipath devices. And here we get reproducable our 85 /dev/mapper devices. If i set 60 seconds i will get 38 devices, next time of reboot 32 and another triy gives me 42 devices. Thats why i think it is a timing/reload problem. But i don't know how to fix that. Maybe udev comes to play too.

Here are, i hope completely, the configuration information of my system to get a first view what is configured.

### General inforamtion ###

debian_version 9.1 with latest updates

Linux vmsrv1 4.10.15-1-pve #1 SMP PVE 4.10.15-15 (Fri, 23 Jun 2017 08:57:55 +0200) x86_64 GNU/Linux

### Network configuration ###

The 4 interfaces eno1-4 are the storage network interfaces. They are located in a VLAN with a HP 5406zl chassis switch.

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

iface idrac inet manual

auto eno1
iface eno1 inet static
        mtu 9000

auto eno2
iface eno2 inet static
        mtu 9000

auto eno3
iface eno3 inet static
        mtu 9000

auto eno4
iface eno4 inet static
        mtu 9000

iface enp130s0f0 inet manual

iface enp130s0f1 inet manual

iface enp130s0f2 inet manual

iface enp130s0f3 inet manual

iface enp4s0f0 inet manual

iface enp4s0f1 inet manual

iface enp4s0f2 inet manual

iface enp4s0f3 inet manual

auto bond0
iface bond0 inet manual
slaves enp4s0f0 enp4s0f1 enp4s0f2 enp4s0f3 enp130s0f0 enp130s0f1 enp130s0f2 enp130s0f3
      bond_miimon 100
      bond_mode 802.3ad
      bond_xmit_hash_policy layer2+3

auto vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet static
    bridge_ports bond0
    bridge_stp off
    bridge_fd 0

### Changes to the default iscsid.conf ###

diff /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf.orig /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf
< node.startup = manual
> node.startup = automatic
< node.session.timeo.replacement_timeout = 120
> node.session.timeo.replacement_timeout = 0
< node.conn[0].timeo.noop_out_interval = 5
> node.conn[0].timeo.noop_out_interval = 1
< node.conn[0].timeo.noop_out_timeout = 5
> node.conn[0].timeo.noop_out_timeout = 1

### iscsi configuration and first login ###

sed -i '/InitiatorName=/c\InitiatorName=iqn.2017-07.local.ocm.vmsrv1' /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi
systemctl enable open-iscsi.service
systemctl restart open-iscsi.service
systemctl restart iscsid

iscsiadm -m iface -I eno1 -o new
iscsiadm -m iface -I eno2 -o new
iscsiadm -m iface -I eno3 -o new
iscsiadm -m iface -I eno4 -o new
iscsiadm -m iface -I eno1 --op=update -n iface.net_ifacename -v eno1
iscsiadm -m iface -I eno2 --op=update -n iface.net_ifacename -v eno2
iscsiadm -m iface -I eno3 --op=update -n iface.net_ifacename -v eno3
iscsiadm -m iface -I eno4 --op=update -n iface.net_ifacename -v eno4
iscsiadm -m discovery -t sendtargets -p
iscsiadm -m discovery -t sendtargets -p
iscsiadm -m discovery -t sendtargets -p
iscsiadm -m discovery -t sendtargets -p
iscsiadm -m node -l

iscsiadm -m session
tcp: [1],1 iqn.2017-07.local.ocm.vmstorage1 (non-flash)
tcp: [10],1 iqn.2017-07.local.ocm.vmstorage1 (non-flash)
tcp: [11],1 iqn.2017-07.local.ocm.vmstorage1 (non-flash)
tcp: [12],1 iqn.2017-07.local.ocm.vmstorage1 (non-flash)
tcp: [13],1 iqn.2017-07.local.ocm.vmstorage1 (non-flash)
tcp: [14],1 iqn.2017-07.local.ocm.vmstorage1 (non-flash)
tcp: [15],1 iqn.2017-07.local.ocm.vmstorage1 (non-flash)
tcp: [16],1 iqn.2017-07.local.ocm.vmstorage1 (non-flash)
tcp: [2],1 iqn.2017-07.local.ocm.vmstorage1 (non-flash)
tcp: [3],1 iqn.2017-07.local.ocm.vmstorage1 (non-flash)
tcp: [4],1 iqn.2017-07.local.ocm.vmstorage1 (non-flash)
tcp: [5],1 iqn.2017-07.local.ocm.vmstorage1 (non-flash)
tcp: [6],1 iqn.2017-07.local.ocm.vmstorage1 (non-flash)
tcp: [7],1 iqn.2017-07.local.ocm.vmstorage1 (non-flash)
tcp: [8],1 iqn.2017-07.local.ocm.vmstorage1 (non-flash)
tcp: [9],1 iqn.2017-07.local.ocm.vmstorage1 (non-flash)

# i did the follow just for one session to shorten the output. The other sessions are similar to that, differs in ip addresses and so on...

iscsiadm -m session -P 3 -r 1
iSCSI Transport Class version 2.0-870
version 2.0-874
Target: iqn.2017-07.local.ocm.vmstorage1 (non-flash)
    Current Portal:,1
    Persistent Portal:,1
        Iface Name: eno3
        Iface Transport: tcp
        Iface Initiatorname: iqn.2017-07.local.ocm.vmsrv1
        Iface IPaddress:
        Iface HWaddress: <empty>
        Iface Netdev: eno3
        SID: 1
        iSCSI Connection State: LOGGED IN
        iSCSI Session State: LOGGED_IN
        Internal iscsid Session State: NO CHANGE
        Recovery Timeout: 5
        Target Reset Timeout: 30
        LUN Reset Timeout: 30
        Abort Timeout: 15
        username: <empty>
        password: ********
        username_in: <empty>
        password_in: ********
        Negotiated iSCSI params:
        HeaderDigest: None
        DataDigest: None
        MaxRecvDataSegmentLength: 262144
        MaxXmitDataSegmentLength: 262144
        FirstBurstLength: 65536
        MaxBurstLength: 262144
        ImmediateData: Yes
        InitialR2T: Yes
        MaxOutstandingR2T: 1
        Attached SCSI devices:
        Host Number: 12    State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 0
            Attached scsi disk sde        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 1
            Attached scsi disk sdu        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 10
            Attached scsi disk sdfb        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 11
            Attached scsi disk sdfs        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 12
            Attached scsi disk sdgh        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 13
            Attached scsi disk sdgy        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 14
            Attached scsi disk sdhr        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 15
            Attached scsi disk sdih        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 16
            Attached scsi disk sdiz        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 17
            Attached scsi disk sdjo        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 18
            Attached scsi disk sdke        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 19
            Attached scsi disk sdkv        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 2
            Attached scsi disk sdak        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 20
            Attached scsi disk sdll        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 21
            Attached scsi disk sdmd        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 22
            Attached scsi disk sdmw        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 23
            Attached scsi disk sdnl        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 24
            Attached scsi disk sdoe        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 25
            Attached scsi disk sdow        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 26
            Attached scsi disk sdpm        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 27
            Attached scsi disk sdqc        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 28
            Attached scsi disk sdqs        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 29
            Attached scsi disk sdrj        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 3
            Attached scsi disk sdbd        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 30
            Attached scsi disk sdsa        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 31
            Attached scsi disk sdsk        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 32
            Attached scsi disk sdsz        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 33
            Attached scsi disk sdtr        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 34
            Attached scsi disk sduj        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 35
            Attached scsi disk sduy        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 36
            Attached scsi disk sdvn        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 37
            Attached scsi disk sdwb        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 38
            Attached scsi disk sdwr        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 39
            Attached scsi disk sdxn        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 4
            Attached scsi disk sdbs        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 40
            Attached scsi disk sdya        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 41
            Attached scsi disk sdyt        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 42
            Attached scsi disk sdzk        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 43
            Attached scsi disk sdaaa        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 44
            Attached scsi disk sdaas        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 45
            Attached scsi disk sdabe        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 46
            Attached scsi disk sdabu        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 47
            Attached scsi disk sdaci        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 48
            Attached scsi disk sdada        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 49
            Attached scsi disk sdads        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 5
            Attached scsi disk sdcg        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 50
            Attached scsi disk sdaec        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 51
            Attached scsi disk sdaeu        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 52
            Attached scsi disk sdafo        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 53
            Attached scsi disk sdaga        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 54
            Attached scsi disk sdago        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 55
            Attached scsi disk sdahg        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 56
            Attached scsi disk sdahw        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 57
            Attached scsi disk sdain        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 58
            Attached scsi disk sdajk        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 59
            Attached scsi disk sdajw        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 6
            Attached scsi disk sdcu        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 60
            Attached scsi disk sdako        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 61
            Attached scsi disk sdalg        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 62
            Attached scsi disk sdalz        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 63
            Attached scsi disk sdamr        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 64
            Attached scsi disk sdanf        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 65
            Attached scsi disk sdant        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 66
            Attached scsi disk sdaoj        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 67
            Attached scsi disk sdaox        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 68
            Attached scsi disk sdapr        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 69
            Attached scsi disk sdaqe        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 7
            Attached scsi disk sddk        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 70
            Attached scsi disk sdaqv        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 71
            Attached scsi disk sdarj        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 72
            Attached scsi disk sdase        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 73
            Attached scsi disk sdasz        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 74
            Attached scsi disk sdatp        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 75
            Attached scsi disk sdaug        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 76
            Attached scsi disk sdauw        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 77
            Attached scsi disk sdavl        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 78
            Attached scsi disk sdavz        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 79
            Attached scsi disk sdawm        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 8
            Attached scsi disk sddz        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 80
            Attached scsi disk sdaxe        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 81
            Attached scsi disk sdaxx        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 82
            Attached scsi disk sdayk        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 83
            Attached scsi disk sdays        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 84
            Attached scsi disk sdaza        State: running
        scsi12 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 9
            Attached scsi disk sdek        State: running

### multipath.conf ###

defaults {
        polling_interval        1
        path_selector           "round-robin 0"
        path_grouping_policy    multibus
        uid_attribute           ID_SERIAL
        failback                immediate
        no_path_retry           immediate
blacklist {
        wwid ".*"
blacklist_exceptions {
    wwid "360014053becdd13e04b482f9cbda42b5"
    wwid "36001405f021387873bb4d0cac4c6e2ce"
    wwid "36001405e7e448df9b354d5790da33757"
    wwid "36001405b28f95fdff0748c9b88c196ef"
    wwid "3600140537e5d200deda4e4aab59add5b"
    wwid "36001405e1c41d5c38bf4c5cafc6688ae"
    wwid "3600140546e5bf92b8b44975bfeef66f3"
    wwid "36001405e1bdfebec934434eab62c4714"
    wwid "3600140578c353c1a87a4319beefe22ea"
    wwid "36001405b1903b1dd4e2491596a664f24"
    wwid "360014058af6932bb35a424d887fe8c8c"
    wwid "360014050441699c31c4413590760fadc"
    wwid "36001405a76853b10528488d849ba141b"
    wwid "36001405da1a9b6f4a674b21a2a7c336f"
    wwid "36001405429d89e48c2142eea7eccd5e2"
    wwid "3600140597b94f5c203449dab4a904849"
    wwid "36001405440340f7aa1e44d492b78070d"
    wwid "36001405938bae4edf9a47558589d4630"
    wwid "36001405c77225d41727431ca5159e668"
    wwid "36001405fd1d7449d3064928883b206d9"
    wwid "36001405c8591ecc480e4a1da756de30b"
    wwid "360014051433cf0368bd4adebf2fa38a4"
    wwid "36001405319c6dc59b044bcdbc3486c48"
    wwid "36001405dd52459c2b29430db68439e22"
    wwid "360014056a3d7889cde24cf0b6f62a190"
    wwid "3600140529b0c38eca304bd3aa5dfc4f8"
    wwid "36001405251b8b1e8aa84f1abd96d2fc6"
    wwid "360014056ccbd24ec72d448a908cc7370"
    wwid "36001405ee014c999e1f49129045faa96"
    wwid "36001405842f8f0b26334b09b3971e161"
    wwid "3600140514dbda25469d4a3fb55b04ecc"
    wwid "36001405e5b78ba0e3ae4577b8872bbda"
    wwid "360014055a9caa6064d241898cdc78db2"
    wwid "36001405cacbcafddeb64c1f823ab9635"
    wwid "36001405a135e916dd60461e8ef1cf7fb"
    wwid "36001405ea07d548a9b44854ae282ea8c"
    wwid "36001405bbd2f38f0b1d45498c47ba706"
    wwid "36001405b56e7894c5e54a649efecc4fe"
    wwid "36001405c525d12a472b4e2881d382f0a"
    wwid "360014055783c5714f614173b580cb3c6"
    wwid "36001405c674e75cd7b44518906eda64c"
    wwid "360014055af60248b27841b08a8886cf7"
    wwid "36001405ed082bbdf7894afb8f0650190"
    wwid "360014052e452b6ab3464a09b5fb7ceea"
    wwid "360014055fb01b9edbac450ba4c04070a"
    wwid "360014053a093fbdfe9b4e05a84dda560"
    wwid "36001405dccc2e38f56741dfbb3661956"
    wwid "3600140597fce7c8e70d4d88be55e503a"
    wwid "36001405a3cdd53661ca450589d343b47"
    wwid "360014056715d9c35cca49d2bc37cda0a"
    wwid "36001405ecab1c340b204554bb92261ef"
    wwid "36001405df544eac191b43db97c4e3a5c"
    wwid "360014053bf5a6b8936a4abfadf023f74"
    wwid "3600140597204d28e8814f8caf33becd4"
    wwid "36001405f230847d8297422385336d252"
    wwid "360014057df2f23874ee410a87894f9ac"
    wwid "360014057e7cac6720954551bf3cb7ae8"
    wwid "36001405078e0e27c69b4bd39cebeac84"
    wwid "36001405af52b18a3c4c46f29afd798ca"
    wwid "36001405979d1628d6ca4e779ddef51a5"
    wwid "360014056d54c6953e704649836416fe4"
    wwid "3600140561aa8885a3034a9789d11a445"
    wwid "36001405005b3cfcb9ae4be7a6a048098"
    wwid "360014054e1d45c7c7d84ebe83c769470"
    wwid "3600140552075a95b5e24a96a228d3d6b"
    wwid "360014053a219d10a51f4e7e9059634da"
    wwid "3600140585c8374f402140a1a63b46964"
    wwid "3600140599367d7a3ea341e38661ce476"
    wwid "36001405ecc7fa7ff21b4888922bc5c7e"
    wwid "36001405197fd9636aa64b808e245ddaa"
    wwid "360014054d366ccac78b40778c8356ede"
    wwid "360014053d3c2046ecfd416eaf4edbb6e"
    wwid "36001405fee7f5aa16fe4e64bb8403c01"
    wwid "360014054fc3393d86604080bbd523329"
    wwid "36001405f46a1eb9d48a470392a6da75e"
    wwid "36001405a596d803b1fb4e0c96c7f6dec"
    wwid "360014057ee61f7a3567407a8fcad8a0d"
    wwid "360014053669e3b8c1974980919af9c85"
    wwid "360014058c37f2797303416ea2268d0ca"
    wwid "360014059508778e97e5467e9b4dc3e42"
    wwid "36001405bb940cdbbf3d4c7da27fd3197"
    wwid "36001405ce97af1fee46430a913563a6e"
    wwid "36001405e080271072d145d8ac644f917"
    wwid "360014052908596b93a84477bc4ba8633"
    wwid "360014053e0e9d615e0045d3b9df4fb4a"

# a multipath -l looks for a single device like that

360014057df2f23874ee410a87894f9ac dm-26 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001cbc
size=931G features='1 retain_attached_hw_handler' hwhandler='1 alua' wp=rw
`-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=0 status=active
  |- 12:0:0:59 sdajw 131:992  active undef running
  |- 13:0:0:59 sdakb 132:816  active undef running
  |- 14:0:0:59 sdajv 131:976  active undef running
  |- 15:0:0:59 sdaju 131:960  active undef running
  |- 18:0:0:59 sdajm 131:832  active undef running
  |- 19:0:0:59 sdakp 133:784  active undef running
  |- 16:0:0:59 sdajc 130:928  active undef running
  |- 17:0:0:59 sdamh 135:976  active undef running
  |- 23:0:0:59 sdajj 131:784  active undef running
  |- 22:0:0:59 sdajs 131:928  active undef running
  |- 21:0:0:59 sdaix 130:848  active undef running
  |- 20:0:0:59 sdaja 130:896  active undef running
  |- 26:0:0:59 sdajb 130:912  active undef running
  |- 27:0:0:59 sdajl 131:816  active undef running
  |- 24:0:0:59 sdajg 130:992  active undef running
  `- 25:0:0:59 sdakc 132:832  active undef running

multipath -l | grep dm-
360014054d366ccac78b40778c8356ede dm-75 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001cd9
36001405f021387873bb4d0cac4c6e2ce dm-39 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c02
360014056d54c6953e704649836416fe4 dm-68 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001cbf
36001405e5b78ba0e3ae4577b8872bbda dm-16 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c7f
36001405b28f95fdff0748c9b88c196ef dm-0 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c1b
36001405bb940cdbbf3d4c7da27fd3197 dm-83 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001cfa
3600140597fce7c8e70d4d88be55e503a dm-60 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001cab
36001405319c6dc59b044bcdbc3486c48 dm-47 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c6b
36001405938bae4edf9a47558589d4630 dm-44 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c55
36001405dd52459c2b29430db68439e22 dm-48 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c06
360014056a3d7889cde24cf0b6f62a190 dm-49 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c6c
36001405197fd9636aa64b808e245ddaa dm-74 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001cd8
36001405da1a9b6f4a674b21a2a7c336f dm-42 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c46
36001405f230847d8297422385336d252 dm-25 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001cbb
3600140514dbda25469d4a3fb55b04ecc dm-15 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c7c
36001405ed082bbdf7894afb8f0650190 dm-21 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c9f
36001405b56e7894c5e54a649efecc4fe dm-17 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c8e
36001405440340f7aa1e44d492b78070d dm-10 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c55
360014052908596b93a84477bc4ba8633 dm-37 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001cfd
3600140537e5d200deda4e4aab59add5b dm-1 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c1d
36001405f46a1eb9d48a470392a6da75e dm-79 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001cdf
3600140597b94f5c203449dab4a904849 dm-43 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c54
36001405078e0e27c69b4bd39cebeac84 dm-28 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001cbc
360014055783c5714f614173b580cb3c6 dm-18 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c95
3600140597204d28e8814f8caf33becd4 dm-66 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001cba
36001405fd1d7449d3064928883b206d9 dm-45 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c59
3600140561aa8885a3034a9789d11a445 dm-30 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001cc3
36001405005b3cfcb9ae4be7a6a048098 dm-69 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001cc8
360014053becdd13e04b482f9cbda42b5 dm-38 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c02
36001405ecc7fa7ff21b4888922bc5c7e dm-73 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001cd6
36001405ce97af1fee46430a913563a6e dm-35 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001cfa
3600140599367d7a3ea341e38661ce476 dm-72 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c11
360014053bf5a6b8936a4abfadf023f74 dm-65 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001cb6
3600140552075a95b5e24a96a228d3d6b dm-70 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001ccc
36001405c525d12a472b4e2881d382f0a dm-58 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c8f
3600140585c8374f402140a1a63b46964 dm-32 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001cd5
360014054fc3393d86604080bbd523329 dm-78 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001cde
36001405af52b18a3c4c46f29afd798ca dm-67 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001cbd
36001405ecab1c340b204554bb92261ef dm-63 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001cb3
36001405cacbcafddeb64c1f823ab9635 dm-54 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c84
36001405c8591ecc480e4a1da756de30b dm-46 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c5d
360014054e1d45c7c7d84ebe83c769470 dm-31 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001ccb
360014058af6932bb35a424d887fe8c8c dm-6 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c35
36001405a3cdd53661ca450589d343b47 dm-61 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001cab
360014057e7cac6720954551bf3cb7ae8 dm-27 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c11
36001405a135e916dd60461e8ef1cf7fb dm-55 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c0d
36001405e080271072d145d8ac644f917 dm-36 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001cfc
36001405ee014c999e1f49129045faa96 dm-14 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c74
3600140578c353c1a87a4319beefe22ea dm-4 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c28
360014055af60248b27841b08a8886cf7 dm-20 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c9e
360014051433cf0368bd4adebf2fa38a4 dm-12 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c67
360014059508778e97e5467e9b4dc3e42 dm-82 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001cf0
360014052e452b6ab3464a09b5fb7ceea dm-22 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c9f
36001405c674e75cd7b44518906eda64c dm-19 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c9e
360014053d3c2046ecfd416eaf4edbb6e dm-76 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001cda
36001405429d89e48c2142eea7eccd5e2 dm-9 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c4f
36001405a76853b10528488d849ba141b dm-8 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c02
360014050441699c31c4413590760fadc dm-7 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c45
36001405a596d803b1fb4e0c96c7f6dec dm-80 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001ce4
36001405fee7f5aa16fe4e64bb8403c01 dm-77 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001cdc
36001405b1903b1dd4e2491596a664f24 dm-5 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c28
36001405e7e448df9b354d5790da33757 dm-40 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c16
360014055fb01b9edbac450ba4c04070a dm-23 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001ca0
36001405df544eac191b43db97c4e3a5c dm-64 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001cb5
3600140529b0c38eca304bd3aa5dfc4f8 dm-50 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c6f
36001405842f8f0b26334b09b3971e161 dm-52 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c7c
36001405e1c41d5c38bf4c5cafc6688ae dm-2 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c22
3600140546e5bf92b8b44975bfeef66f3 dm-41 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c24
360014058c37f2797303416ea2268d0ca dm-34 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c11
360014056ccbd24ec72d448a908cc7370 dm-13 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c72
360014053e0e9d615e0045d3b9df4fb4a dm-84 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c14
360014055a9caa6064d241898cdc78db2 dm-53 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c83
36001405bbd2f38f0b1d45498c47ba706 dm-57 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c8c
36001405251b8b1e8aa84f1abd96d2fc6 dm-51 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c72
360014056715d9c35cca49d2bc37cda0a dm-62 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001cad
360014053669e3b8c1974980919af9c85 dm-81 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001cea
36001405ea07d548a9b44854ae282ea8c dm-56 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c89
36001405c77225d41727431ca5159e668 dm-11 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c56
360014053a219d10a51f4e7e9059634da dm-71 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001cd3
360014057ee61f7a3567407a8fcad8a0d dm-33 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001ce6
36001405dccc2e38f56741dfbb3661956 dm-24 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001ca2
360014053a093fbdfe9b4e05a84dda560 dm-59 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c10
36001405979d1628d6ca4e779ddef51a5 dm-29 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001cbf
36001405e1bdfebec934434eab62c4714 dm-3 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001c26
360014057df2f23874ee410a87894f9ac dm-26 LIO-ORG,3600508b1001cbc

multipath -l | grep dm- | wc -l

### iscsi services ###

systemctl list-unit-files|grep scsi
iscsi.service                          enabled
iscsid.service                         enabled
open-iscsi.service                     enabled

### multipath services ###

systemctl list-unit-files|grep mul
multipath-tools-boot.service           masked
multipath-tools.service                enabled
multipathd-reload.service              enabled
multipathd.service                     enabled
multipathd.socket                      static                      static

kessler GmbH
Flachfeldstr. 16
82399 Raisting
Tel.: +49 8807 214797 0
Fax: +49 8807 214797 2

Sitz der Gesellschaft: Raisting
Geschäftsführer: Florian Kessler, Marco Weiß
HRB 163710

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