Le quintidi 5 fructidor, an CCXXV, Mario Castelán Castro a écrit :
> Wireless things do not solve the problem of having to cope with wires.
> They just replace this with the bigger problem of unauduitable firmware
> directly exposed to the attacker (via radio or sometimes infrared
> communication).

Well, that is not the SAME problem, so the original problem is solved.


# ‘You closed the road? You closed the road!’ he yelled, above the wind.
# ‘And Kings Way, sir. Just in case,’ Carrot shouted down.
# ‘You closed two major roads? Two whole damn roads? In the rush hour?’
# ‘Yes, sir,’ said Carrot. ‘It was the only way.’
# Vimes hung on, speechless. Would he have dared do that? But that was
# Carrot all over. There was a problem, and now it's gone. Admittedly, the
# whole city is probably solid with wagons by now, but that's a new
# problem.

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