Dear all,       

Please CC me if anybody has an answer to below as I'm not subscribed
to either of the mailing lists due to the volume both ML generate.

I like the way Debian gives various changelogs . For instance for most
packages it has -

changelog.gz - This is the upstream changelog giving details of the
differences between any two versions or at times even point versions.
Nowadays usually distilled from $ git shortlog or whatever equivalent
command in whatever vcs is being used.

changelog.Debian.gz - This talks about changes/improvements done to
the packaging.  Some of the common changes include changes in the
packaging team/uploader, changes to the standards versions, Updating
build-depends, any patches which fixes some issue in Debian which has
not been accepted by upstream, any changes to either debian/rules or
debian/control which might be notable and the uploader feels that they
need to be mentioned in the changelog (notable).

While I'm pretty happy with the way Debian organizes this thing, was
this idea of having separate changelogs to lessen confusion born at
Debian or some other GNU/Linux distribution. If so, where and when
this idea was born, implemented before Debian ?

In short, was Debian the first distribution to use the concept to
apply for third-party software.

          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
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