On Sat, 9 Sep 2017 12:06:23 -0400 David Niklas <do...@mail.com> wrote:

> There is only one thing worse than a *CAT 5* hurricane headed towards
> Florida.

Irma's a CAT 3 storm currently (north of Cuba), and if it tracks
through Central Florida as predicted, it will loose strength rapidly --
hurricanes need to feed off heat and moisture from warm oceans to
maintain themselves -- probably only being a Tropical Storm by the
time it gets to northern Florida. If it tracks into the Gulf of Mexico
instead, different story.  If it veers east and follows the Gulf
Stream, few worries for the Florida Panhandle

> Another one behind it.

Looks like Jose is going to meander and loose strength east of the
Bahamss.  No worries for FL.

> And there is only one thing worse than 2 powerful hurricanes headed
> towards Florida.
> If you're still there.

Been through a few hurricanes and tropical storms myself, but the
most frightening are Severe Thunderstorms with Funnels Clouds
(tornados) sighted.  I've seen it rain so hard that visibility was
about 20 feet!  Beyond that distance, it was just a grey mass.

> All of the above is happening to me.
> Those of the prayer inclined nature might try a little of it.
> I'll be offline for awhile.
> BTW: This is the first time since 2004 or 2005 that Florida's
> panhandle has been hit, so no, it's not time to have a global warming
> "I told you so party" on the mailing list.

FYI (also for all the global warming, we caused it and it's going
to destroy the planet Chicken Littles out there): the Earth has been
warming steadily since the end of the last glaciation began some 27,000
years ago.  It's not something that just occurred during former
President Obama's administration. Humanity didn't cause it. We
contribute to it, yes, but so does every bovine who farts in the
pasture, and every volcano eruption, and every plant, and every insect,
and every forest or plains fire, and every swamp, and every creature in
the sea, and the sea itself, etc. But the driving force of climate is
the Sun. A fractional energy change one way or the other has major
effects of earthly climate more than all the other contributory factors
combined. Climate is never static. It's ALWAYS in flux, always
changing. But that change occurs so slowly that no one lives long
enough to "see" it.  A few bad storms over a few years doesn't make

> Thanks,
> David

You're welcome.  Stay safe.


Undergraduate work in Math and Physics, post graduate Meteorology,
former US Air Force meteorologist.

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