
You need to import needed gpg key.

Try something like this

gpg --keyserver pgpkeys.mit.edu --recv-key  7638D0442B90D010

gpg -a --export 7638D0442B90D010 | sudo apt-key add -


2017-09-16 11:57 GMT+03:00 Juha Manninen <juha.mannine...@gmail.com>:

> Hello Debian people! My first post here.
> I have installed Debian 9.1.0 buster for i386 using the small netinst
> image. Works well. I tested different desktops, too.
> I wanted to use the testing branch also after buster goes stable.
> According to this page:
>   https://wiki.debian.org/DebianTesting
> it is possible by editing /etc/apt/sources.list.
> I followed the instructions and changed "buster" to "testing" and
> commented out security update lines.
> It now looks like this :
>  deb http://ftp.fi.debian.org/debian/ testing main
>  deb-src http://ftp.fi.debian.org/debian/ testing main
>  # deb http://security.debian.org/debian-security testing/updates main
>  deb http://deb.debian.org/debian/ testing contrib main
>  # deb-src http://security.debian.org/debian-security testing/updates main
> However running:
> ---
> # apt-get update
> Nouda:1 http://deb.debian.org/debian testing InRelease [135 kB]
> Vrhe:1 http://deb.debian.org/debian testing InRelease
>   Seuraavia allekirjoituksia ei voinut varmentaa koska julkista
> avainta ei ole saatavilla: NO_PUBKEY 7638D0442B90D010
> Nouda:2 http://ftp.fi.debian.org/debian testing InRelease [135 kB]
> Vrhe:2 http://ftp.fi.debian.org/debian testing InRelease
>   Seuraavia allekirjoituksia ei voinut varmentaa koska julkista
> avainta ei ole saatavilla: NO_PUBKEY 7638D0442B90D010
> Noudettiin 270 kt ajassa 10s (26,7 kt/s)
> Luetaan pakettiluetteloita... Valmis
> W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository
> is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error:
> http://deb.debian.org/debian testing InRelease: Seuraavia
> allekirjoituksia ei voinut varmentaa koska julkista avainta ei ole
> saatavilla: NO_PUBKEY 7638D0442B90D010
> W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository
> is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error:
> http://ftp.fi.debian.org/debian testing InRelease: Seuraavia
> allekirjoituksia ei voinut varmentaa koska julkista avainta ei ole
> saatavilla: NO_PUBKEY 7638D0442B90D010
> W: Tiedoston http://ftp.fi.debian.org/debian/dists/testing/InRelease
> nouto ei onnistunut  Seuraavia allekirjoituksia ei voinut varmentaa
> koska julkista avainta ei ole saatavilla: NO_PUBKEY 7638D0442B90D010
> W: Tiedoston http://deb.debian.org/debian/dists/testing/InRelease
> nouto ei onnistunut  Seuraavia allekirjoituksia ei voinut varmentaa
> koska julkista avainta ei ole saatavilla: NO_PUBKEY 7638D0442B90D010
> W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old
> ones used instead.
> ---
> Sorry, some errors are in Finnish due to my locale. I can try to
> change that if required.
> I found some post about GPG errors but no solutions really.
> I have read some people successfully run Debian testing as a rolling
> distro and the "DebianTesting" web page also says it is possible.
> I am curious what is happening.
> BTW, the web page has conflicting info. After an orange exclamation
> mark it says:
>  "If you are tracking testing or the next-stable code name, you should
> always have a corresponding deb http://security.debian.org <"testing"
> or codename>/updates main line in your /etc/apt/sources.list ."
> ... although just earlier it told to remove any security lines.
> This has no effect on the errors though.
> Now I am testing with VirtualBox. Later my goal is to keep some old
> machines alive. They only can boot from a CD, no DVD nor USB.
> Distros that support installation for such machines are getting
> sparse. Most distros have dropped CD size images and also 32-bit CPUs.
> Regards,
> Juha Manninen

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