x11vnc does work to let me connect to my running session, but it crashes a lot.


Is it possible to launch a gnome-session from tiger vnc server, as a second 
gnome session running on the same machine?


From: Alexander V. Makartsev [mailto:avbe...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 6:40 AM
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: gnome 3 vnc


Yes. Package you need is "x11vnc". Be sure to connect to it using ssh tunnel 
with private\public keys for security.
Good guide: http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/

On 27.09.2017 08:49, j...@bluemarble.net <mailto:j...@bluemarble.net>  wrote:

Is there a way to launch a gnome 3 session in VNC while I'm still logged
in on my console at home?
I have an HTPC that I want to leave logged in all the time, but I want to
be able to access it remotely. I'd like to use gnome 3 in both places. But
if a gnome-session already exists, I can't find a way to launch a second
one; it just crashes.
Debian 9.1 Stretch 64-bit


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