On Wed, Sep 27, 2017 at 10:16:20PM +1300, Richard Hector wrote:
> On 26/09/17 19:50, Reco wrote:
> > Please post these things from the problematic PC:
> > 
> > ip a l
> > 
> > ip ro l
> Can I make a request? When giving example commands, can you give them in
> full, rather than abbreviated?


ip address list

ip route list

> I believe 'a' and 'ro' are 'address' and 'route' respectively,


> but 'l'
> is a bit harder to find - not in the result of "ip address help",
> anyway. 'list' perhaps? Which I think is the default anyway?

It's 'list' indeed. 'ip a l' is a personal habit.

> I believe anyone who knows the short versions will know the long ones,
> and those who don't won't have to go digging up the manpages to
> understand what's going on :-)

I've requested these commands as I suspect that current IPv4 routing of
that host prevents it to talk to configured DNSes.

Of course, it might as well be:

1) Misconfigured 'nat' netfilter table (libvirt can do some strange
things in this regard for instance).

2) Misconfigured 'filter' netfilter table (iptables are teh hard

3) Misconfigured 'mangle' netfilter table (forced UDP checksumming for
no good reason).

4) Misconfigured IPv6.

5) All those martian green men that wish evil to us all.

But in cases like this I like to search for simple explanation first,
and proceed to complex ones after.

PS I agree that iproute's manpages have a great improvement potential.
Speaking lightly ☺.


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