Op Tue, 14 Nov 2017 18:02:21 +0100 schreef Jilguero ostras <jilguero...@gmail.com>:


the command "apt-cache show" displays package information, including package size after installation, but units are not >reported (Mb, Kb, etc). I have seen a bug report long ago:

Debian Bug report logs -#173120

but it seems this is not fixed. It would be wise unites are reported. Thank you.

Best regards,


You can read in the bug report [1] :
So, while we can't change apt-cache for compatibility reasons as Matt
already said years ago, we have by now 'apt' which is intended to be
a more human friendly interface (or to be more percise an interface not
used by scripts, so we can actually change things "at will") which
supports this by now.

Therefore closing as done.

In other words: use 'apt' if you are human or use 'apt-get' if you are a machine.

[1] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=173120

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