Hi all,
i have debian testing/unstable on my laptop. It's been 9 years without any
problems whatsoever (thank you debian devs!).

Since a couple of weeks i've been having at every boot some job that
automatically does apt update, but i've been unable to track it down. Of
course, being the unstable distribution, i would like to avoid that.

In my syslog this is what appears:
PackageKit: refresh-cache transaction /8513_ccbddbed from uid 1000 finished
with success after 41001ms
PackageKit: get-updates transaction /8514_bdddbcad from uid 1000 finished
with success after 3737ms

uid 1000 is my user.

I don't have the unattended upgrades package installed, i disabled via
systemct the apt-daily and apt-daily-upgrade services and timers, i
disabled the desktop's updates via software-properties-kde (i'm running
kde), but still the updates are running at every boot.

Any clues?


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