On 12/13/17 05:49, Jeroen Mathon wrote:

Please do not top post:


Hey David,

Please address your posts to the list.

Have you tried compiling your kernel from source, or researching if a
certain option in the kernel config could cause this?

Interesting things to look at: Menuconfig, Kernel patches, Custom Drivers.

Back in the day of Linux 2.4, embedded systems, and console-only servers, yes. But today, no way -- too complex, too much effort, and too much risk. I buy Intel hardware, run my systems as close to OOTB as I can, and depend upon the Debian project to keep things running. When something doesn't work as needed, my options are limited to making changes to configuration files and/or finding work-arounds; occasionally, a backport. If I can isolate something that looks broken, I'll file a bug report.


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