Hi Curt,
while i admit to feeding the distraction, the really important question has been in the subject line the entire time, if elinks has a show hidden links option comparative to lynx.
Cheers and thanks for your help,

On Thu, 14 Dec 2017, Curt wrote:

On 2017-12-14, Karen Lewellen <klewel...@shellworld.net> wrote:

Hi Curt, actually your answer was both kind and perhaps a step in the
solution direction ..I hope.  Will be more detailed when I answer
someone else, but I am wondering if it
is possible to change these settings or impact them short term say
in options?  Lynx is my  solution standard so to speak.  If I could
access paypal in lynx, the  show hidden links  option might address
my issue.  Thoughts?  With appreciation, for the Noble giggle as well,

Lynx? I thought you said elinks.

Briefly (I mean to be brief) I installed elinks, pressed escape, went
into the scroll-down 'Setup/Character set' menu and there you have a
list of character sets to choose from for your display; however, how
this Y answer helps with your X problem, I don't know (I have no paypal
account; otherwise, in the name of science and the holiday spirit of the
season, I'd try it out on elinks (or is it lynx?) in order to perhaps
experience whatever it is you are experiencing, however annoying it
might be.

Maybe some other kind soul (not that I am one of those) is both an
elinks guru and a paypal client (if they aren't mutually exclusive
categories) and he or she will pipe up here in this forum.

Good luck.

"The world is full of shipping clerks who have read the Harvard Classics."
— Charles Bukowski

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