On 2017-12-15, Long Wind <longwi...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> many players show last frame when the clip endsbut gmplayer does not
> behave this wayis it possible for gmplayer show last frame?i use
> wheezy. Thanks!

Ni hao ma long-winded one.

I can't find gmplayer in the official Wheezy repositories but assume it
is a frontend for mplayer and that the following is applicable or can be

 mplayer -fixed-vo -idle <yourvideofile>

will pause on the last frame, awaiting your orders (but once paused on
the last frame I can't get the app to do anything but quit).

If this is not an answer to your question, you might contact Karen for
the two Cs (comprehension and commiseration).

(Though forever jocular I did just glance furtively at the subject line).

Bài bài la


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— Charles Bukowski

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