On Sat, 23 Dec 2017, deloptes wrote:

but I told you also about plughw - no?

  yes, but I told you before that I found it myself by accident, when
  trying on an other wav file.

no idea why you are so resistant to getting the knowledge yourself - the man
page is even not that long and you should start reading yourself.

  I read it, but it seems that you didn't unserstand that it gives just an
  example, and doesn't provide any way to find the right parameters
  for an other file.

  None of the parameters I tried worked, until I used the -Dplughw

  Anyway, I think useless to continue talking with somebody who
  can say that "teaching the hungry how to make food" is equivalent to
  "tell them to find themselves"

  I hope that the Education Minister will not read that, otherwise he
  could think that it is useless to pay thousands of teachers, as
  it is enough to tell the students "find yourself"

best regards,
Pierre Frenkiel

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